Dealer / Manufacturer

Dealer / Manufacturer / Links


A “dealer” is for us, who wants to resell our goods to his customers. The category “dealer” does not include anyone who has a (non-industry) business or trade, but only wants to buy our goods from us for their own private use.
If you would like to offer our beautiful articles to your customers, then simply switch to the dealer section. We are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation!


You love powerful symbols like the Flower of Life, but you don’t want to stock goods or register a business as a therapist? Then become an INFEA affiliate partner. We will pay you for the purchases of your customers on our homepage.

For example, if you always recommend the same book and it fits our theme, we will be happy to post it especially for your customers. Let’s talk about how it can be done!


You produce interesting and beautiful products and think that these products would fit our theme? Great, just get in touch, then we’ll exchange ideas and see if and how a collaboration suits everyone!


INFEA team